Club Willoughby Redevelopment with Senior Living Complex Approved

After a decade of planning and discussions with concerned groups and officials, Club Willoughby, one of the largest RSL clubs in Sydney, has been approved for redevelopment as a club with a senior living complex and memorial gardens. 

Hyecorp Property Group plans to do a massive overhaul of the community site, utilising sustainable but modern designs that will deliver a wonderful experience for both visitors and patrons. The transformation is expected to cost around $95-million.

But the ambitious plan will entail the demolition of the 52-year-old clubhouse, which will be replaced with a three-storey facility boasting of a gaming and sports area, a dance floor and rows of restaurants. The development will also include 125 dwelling units for seniors and an aged care facility with 72 beds.

Photo Credit: Heart of Willoughby 

This building, to be called Heart of Willoughby, will at least five-storeys tall with underground parking, a concierge, swimming and gym facilities, as well as consultation rooms for doctors and therapists. 

Photo Credit: Heart of Willoughby

The plans, lodged in 2019 (DA-2019/247) and approved in March 2021, received over 150 submissions from both residents and businesses who have concerns over traffic, privacy and over-development in a low-density zone. However, Club Willoughby director Jack Seatter said that this is a much-needed renewal as the club could, otherwise, be sold to developers who could propose a different plan. 

Meanwhile, club president Matt Vertzonis said that the revamp will remain true to the legacy of the founders of the RSL club who established Club Willoughby in the 1940s as a community hub. 

A spokesperson for Hyecorp Property Group also said that they are looking forward to the project’s fruition as it will be a site for the community to come together and for the seniors to have a high-quality living option in their beloved neighbourhood. 

Construction of the new Club Willoughby is expected to begin in late 2021 and will be completed in three years.